Suzanne Jill Levine

Suzanne Jill Levine, a scholar and writer, has translated a number of the most prominent Latin American authors. A Guggenheim fellow in a career of many other honors, she is now a distinguished professor emerita of the University of California. Among her recent publications are unique works by Silvina Ocampo for City Lights, a five-volume edition of Jorge Luis Borges’s poetry and nonfictions for Penguin paperback classics, Untranslatability Goes Global, edited for Routledge, and her translation of Guadalupe Nettel’s Bezoar and Other Unsettling Stories (Seven Stories Press, 2020). Her articles, essays and translations have appeared in scores of websites, anthologies and journals including The New Yorker and many past issues of FICTION. Her books include a literary biography of Manuel Puig (FSG, Faber and Faber) and the influential Subversive Scribe: Translating Latin American Fiction.

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