Large format: 10” x 14”

Volume 4, Number 3 (1976)


Julio Cortázar
Samuel Rawet
Faye Sobkowsky
Juan Carlos Onetti
Edward Smallfield
Ann Beattie
Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Karen Braziller

Maxine Chernoff
Katherine Harding
T. Coraghessan Boyle
Walter Abish
Ilya Ehrenburg
Guillermo Cabrera Infante
Jacques Hamelink

Travels of Ahasverus
Esbjerg, On the Coast
Their Stories
A Reasonable Man
G.B.F. (1720-1778)
He Didn't Seem to Have More

Sense Than Patsy Gum

The Last Aurochs
At Cornwall
Earth, Moon
Read-Only Memory
The Birth of the Automobile
The Fly in the Glass of Milk
The Streets of Glamorrhee

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